Tuesday 31 January 2012

Sleep Study results...and a high blood pressure...oops.

So I went to see the respiratory physician today for my results (all good, just 3 very minute episodes of apnoea, a little snoring and I had a good sleep between 1am and 6am).

She questioned my blood pressure and proceeded to measure it.....169/104!!  I nearly died.  It's NEVER been that high before.  I'm putting it down to anxiety and what is known as white coat hypertension.  Dad has a monitor so I'll check it again later on tonight when I'm a bit more relaxed and I'll get my GP to check it for me on Saturday between patients.

Otherwise, she sees no issues in me having the surgery.

She also sent me for some blood tests including thyroid function, corisole and full blood, as it's been a while since I've had some of these checked.  I'm sure the surgeon will also request a gammut of tests.

Now just for Monday's catch up with the surgeon to take place then hopefully all systems go.

Monday 30 January 2012

So I officially weigh...


I nearly fell of the scales when I saw those figures on the dietician's scales the other week.

The information she provided me with was really helpful and we had a good discussion as to what is involved with everything etc.

Nurse coordinator was wonderful too and very supportive (I shed a few tears in the process).  She also explained how things work pre and post op, the recovery process and everything else involved with the procedure.

Getting the results of my sleep study tomorrow.  I wonder what they will show?

Monday week I have an appointment with the surgeon.  My sister is coming with me as I'm sure she has questions for him as well and to be reassured I guess.  I'll see if my parents are willing to go too, seeing as they aren't totally on board with my decision to have the surgery.

Only time will tell.

Friday 27 January 2012

A few steps closer

So on Wednesday I saw the dietician (who weighed me) and the nurse coordinator (who also weighed me), seeing as the surgeon didn't, which I thought was very strange, but anywho.

Had a good discussion with both and both explained the procedure and what's involved and food phases etc.  The dietician did give me somewhat of a guideline of what I can/can't eat, but would've liked something in more detail, which she didn't have unfortunately.  Must Google.

Nurse was lovely and very helpful and reassuring when I shed a few tears.  She also explained the procedure and wound care etc.  I now have in my possession a urine sample jar and 2 tubes of Chlorhexidine wash, just in case.  She also put on a Tegaderm dressing to check if I'm allergic to it.  So far so good.

On Tuesday I go for the results of my sleep study and the following Monday I'm back to see the surgeon and from there, hopefully all systems go and by March (fingers crossed), I'll be banded.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Sleep Study

So I had my sleep study last night.  Don't think I slept at all.  Being wired up made it very difficult to get comfortable, so I spent most of the night tossing and turning.  This morning I'm very tired.

I see the sleep specialist for the results on 31 January.

Monday 9 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Good morning all.  First day back at work after taking some time off during the Christmas/New Year break.

Family still want me to diet and watch my food intake etc.

I still want surgery.

I have my sleep study booked for tomorrow night (Tuesday 10th).

Mum is due to have her heart surgery this coming Friday (13th), provided it doesn't get cancelled.

Her recovery will take some time.  Will it be selfish of me to have my surgery in late February/early March?